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Camping in San Andreas is an unforgettable experience. The nature is fantastic. Go check out my journey around the island here. The 10 best places to visit in San Andreas.
Well this is new! 

I am running Audio Schematics Download & Web Design & SEO & PassionBlogist where you can sign up for a 10 day challenge on starting your blog and make money.
To play with two GTA accounts on one computer you need a pretty powerful PC. I tested this on an i7 2700 and with two accounts running at the same time the one in VMware ran with 15-30 fps which isn't great. But you can drive a car and go to the casino and spin the lucky wheel. But shooting isn't great!

The VM ware session took 50% of my CPU and the normal GTA took 30% so it kinda works. So 20% for everything else - Windows 10 included.

I created a VM session with 300Gb hard disk space - 200 Mb will do but a little extra space sometimes comes handy in. I set the graphic to use 2 Gb on my Nvidia GTX 1070 TI and I normally only use 1 Gb on my 'real' session. But they have to share the 8 Gb available graphics memory on the graphics card.

I definitely recommend a more powerful CPU than mine if you want to play with 2 GTA accounts :-)
Creepy: 600
Quiet: 600
Weirdo: 400
Talent: 400

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